We used to be Androtics. Now we’re Pheromone Labs.

We’re the creators of social pheromones.

I hate to break it to you:

Humans aren’t just sex machines. We’re nuanced social creatures first. We’re complex. We think and talk. A lot.

That’s why some of the most important pheromones are actually social — not directly sexual — in nature.

We design simple consumer products to improve lives in practical ways by giving people more control over their social destiny. You simply spray and go about your day. Watch the magic unfold.

We are also the inventor of dosed pheromones for experimenters and the scientific community. 

Imagine if aspirin came without a proper dosage—one pill might soothe a headache, but another might overwhelm your system. The science of effectiveness lies in precision and repeatability.

While others in the industry stagnate, we continue to push the boundaries of pheromone technology. Dosing is just one of the many innovations that have kept us ahead since 2003—and we’re not stopping anytime soon.

Where are we?

Like many companies, we have several locations for specialty functions.

We’re partially organized in Palo Alto, California because that’s where the funding and legal support for the tech is.

Our products are mostly formulated in Chicago, just minutes from downtown. A small amount of product is made in Europe.

All ingredients and components come from first world sources, which is unique for any company these days.

The pheromonal molecules come from tenured chemists in the US, with some from Europe. Sourcing the pheromones is the really hard part. Very few chemists can make these types of molecules, especially to the meticulous laboratory reference standard (99% or higher HPLC) we (and our customers) demand.

All products are shipped from either Chicago or Missouri. Our fulfillment center is located next to one of the largest shipping hubs in the U.S. We’re both just minutes away from The United States Postal Service and one of the busiest airports in the world (O’Hare International Airport). That’s how we can get packages to you so quickly at low cost.

Where do the pheromones come from?

The bulk of components used in our products are mostly from Europe and the United States.

Many of the unique, key components are custom synthesized for us at university chemistry labs, overseen by the world’s top organic chemists. As you might imagine, this is an expensive but quality intensive process. But our customers don’t come to us for “cheap” – they come to us for the quality that actually works.

Investing in the development of only the purest, high quality organic chemicals has allowed us to create formulas with precision and effectiveness that is unmatched within our industry.

The perfuming ingredients come mostly from Europe, since that is a specialty in France, Italy, and Switzerland.

Here are few other interesting facts:

  • The initial technology behind Androtics was developed by Michael Harris in the late 1990s. He worked in academia around Cambridge & in spin-off technical start-ups in that area for many years, until his retirement. After that, Androtics went through a brief chaotic period for a few years until it was eventually rescued and rebooted by our current CEO. With an influx of fresh new funding, we are now able to rebuild as Pheromone Labs and continue research and development to once again regain the paragon status enjoyed by Androtics in its heyday.
  • The beta version of the world’s first social pheromone product, “Come Talk To Me”, was released & tested in the Silicon Valley area. The first mass test was during Silicon Valley’s Burning Man Festival during the year 2000.
  • In business officially since 2002, we initially sold products to other stores before “going direct” in 2005. The direct model allowed us to make the switch from Chinese made components to the finest, first world, university synthesized components.
  • Androtics’ first online shop was started in 2004. In 2021, after much reorganization, we opened A314.com where you are currently reading this message.